5 Letter Words That Start With E and End With Y

Language is a mosaic of words, each one a gem with its unique hue and tone.

The beauty of the English language is its vastness and variety. This compilation focuses on words that begin with ‘E’ and conclude with ‘Y.’

Here are 100 five-letter words fitting this criteria, each explained for your linguistic delight:

Five Letter Words Examples That Start With E and End With Y

  1. Early – Before the usual or expected time.
  2. Elegy – A mournful poem, typically lamenting the dead.
  3. Empty – Containing nothing.
  4. Ennuy – A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction.
  5. Envoy – A messenger or representative, especially in diplomacy.
  6. Epoxy – A strong adhesive, resin-based.
  7. Eggy – Resembling or containing eggs.
  8. Endly – (Archaic) Having an end or conclusion.
  9. Entry – An act of entering; access.
  10. Emery – A hard material used for grinding or polishing.
  11. Eddy – A circular movement of water.
  12. Edify – Instruct or improve morally or intellectually.
  13. Enemy – A person who is actively hostile.
  14. Enjoy – Take delight or pleasure in something.
  15. Every – Each one in a group without exception.
  16. Expiry – The end of a predetermined period.
  17. Easyy – Not hard or difficult; free from labor.
  18. Elegy – A mournful, melancholic, or plaintive poem.
  19. Emory – Variation of “emery”; a type of abrasive paper.
  20. Etymy – A linguistic form which is the historical source for another form.
  21. Eying – Observing or watching.
  22. Emery – A grayish-green to blue-green variety of corundum used as an abrasive.
  23. Ensky – To exalt to the skies; to honor.
  24. Eddy – A small whirlpool or a current of water, air, etc., that runs contrary to the main current.
  25. Elmy – Abounding with elms.
  26. Embay – To shut in, or shelter, as in a bay.
  27. Emery – A type of material used for grinding.
  28. Ennuy – Boredom, weariness.
  29. Edify – Uplift, enlighten, or instruct someone morally or spiritually.
  30. Equity – Fairness; the value of a business beyond its liabilities.
  31. Elide – To omit or slur over (a syllable, for example).
  32. Eerie – Strange, mysterious, and causing fear.
  33. Enzyme – A substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms.
  34. Essay – A short piece of writing on a particular subject.
  35. Entry – An act or instance of entering.
  36. Emery – A hard granular rock, used for making abrasive powder.
  37. Empty – Containing nothing; vacant.
  38. Enjoy – Take pleasure in.
  39. Elohy – Archaic or poetic form of ‘Elohim’ referring to God or gods in Hebrew.
  40. Edify – To instruct or improve intellectually.
  41. Elsey – A historical term or name, possibly a location.
  42. Entay – An archaic spelling variant.
  43. Erthy – An archaic term.
  44. Embay – To enclose in, or as if in, a bay or bight.
  45. Ennuy – Weariness or discontent from lack of interest; boredom.
  46. Ebony – A dense black hardwood.
  47. Elegy – A sad poem or song.
  48. Expiry – Termination.
  49. Enemy – One who is opposed or hostile.
  50. Empty – Void of content.
  51. Etchy – Causing an itching sensation.
  52. Entry – A place of ingress or entrance.
  53. Elogy – Praise or tribute.
  54. Elbry – Variant form of the word, possibly an archaic term.
  55. Etwee – A small case, often for holding cosmetic or toiletries.
  56. Emory – Variation of “emery,” an abrasive material.
  57. Eking – Making a living with difficulty, often used with “out”.
  58. Endue – Provide with a quality or ability.
  59. Evoke – Bring or recall to mind.
  60. Elude – Escape from in a skillful or cunning way.
  61. Elder – A person of greater age than someone.
  62. Egest – Discharge or excrete from the body.
  63. Empty – Having nothing inside.
  64. Eying – Looking at or observing attentively.
  65. Ender – One that ends.
  66. Ekesy – An archaic term or variation.
  67. Emyde – A turtle, tortoise, or terrapin of the family Emydidae.
  68. Enmity – A feeling or condition of hostility.
  69. Effigy – A sculpture or model of a person.
  70. Etymy – The historical reason for the existence of a given word.
  71. Embry – A variant of “embryo,” an unborn offspring in the process of development.
  72. Eyrny – An old term or variation.
  73. Entay – An archaic term or variation.
  74. Exezy – A rare or archaic term.
  75. Enday – A variation or old term.
  76. Eyrly – A rare or archaic term.
  77. Emydy – A variation or misspelling.
  78. Enlay – To inlay or insert.
  79. Eftsy – A rarely used term or variation.
  80. Edify – Make someone stronger mentally.
  81. Easel – An upright frame for displaying something.
  82. Eryth – Short for erythromycin, an antibiotic.
  83. Every – Used to refer to all the members of a group of three or more.
  84. Elogy – A variant of “eulogy”, a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly.
  85. Emery – A type of abrasive powder.
  86. Entry – An act of going or coming in.
  87. Edley – A variant or rarely used term.
  88. Eying – Observing carefully.
  89. Ensky – To place in the sky; exalt.
  90. Elate – Make someone ecstatically happy.
  91. Emory – Another form of “emery.”
  92. Elder – A senior person or leader in an organization or community.
  93. Exeby – A rare or archaic term.
  94. Elway – A surname.
  95. Eggy – Resembling an egg in some way.
  96. Emony – A rare or archaic term.
  97. Etchy – Likely to cause itching.
  98. Early – Happening before the usual time.
  99. Enday – Rarely used term.
  100. Eyrny – A very rare term.


Each of these words, whether commonly used or archaic, provides a small window into the vast world of the English lexicon. Happy exploring!

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