Assisted Living 30 Day Notice Letter Example


Making the transition into or out of assisted living is a significant step for families and individuals.

It comes with various decisions, paperwork, and of course, communication.

One essential piece of communication is the 30-day notice letter, which provides formal notification of a resident’s intent to vacate the facility.

For those feeling a tad overwhelmed by this task, here are 20 examples to guide and inspire you.

Assisted Living 30 Day Notice Letter Examples

The Essence of a Notice

Before we delve into the examples, remember: clarity and respect are fundamental.

While each letter will be unique, ensure it is straightforward, respectful, and includes all necessary details.

20 Examples to Guide Your Writing:

  1. The Simple Notice
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    This is to inform you of [Resident’s Name]’s intention to leave the facility on [Date]. We appreciate the care provided during [his/her] stay.
    [Your Name]”
  2. Gratitude Focused
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    As [Resident’s Name] prepares to transition out of assisted living by [Date], we want to express our profound gratitude for the support and kindness shown during [his/her] stay.
    Warm regards,
    [Your Name]”
  3. Brief and Direct
    “To Whom It May Concern,
    Please be advised of [Resident’s Name]’s departure from [Facility Name] on [Date]. Thank you for everything.
    [Your Name]”
  4. Detailed Explanation
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    Due to personal reasons and after careful consideration, [Resident’s Name] will be vacating the assisted living facility on [Date]. We are grateful for the understanding and care shown during this period.
    [Your Name]”
  5. Formal and Respectful
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    I hereby submit a 30-day notice for [Resident’s Name]’s departure from your facility, effective [Date]. Your team’s dedication and professionalism will always be remembered.
    Yours faithfully,
    [Your Name]”
  6. Health-Driven Decision
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    Due to changing health circumstances, [Resident’s Name] will be transitioning to a different care environment by [Date]. We deeply appreciate the unwavering support you’ve provided.
    Kind regards,
    [Your Name]”
  7. Relocation Notice
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    [Resident’s Name] will be relocating to be closer to family and will, therefore, vacate the facility on [Date]. Your understanding and compassion have been invaluable.
    [Your Name]”
  8. The Short and Sweet
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    [Resident’s Name] will be leaving on [Date]. Thank you for all you’ve done.
    [Your Name]”
  9. Family Reunion
    “To [Facility Name],
    Our family has decided to reunite and care for [Resident’s Name] at our family home. As such, we’ll be vacating by [Date]. Thank you for the cherished memories.
    With gratitude,
    [Your Name]”
  10. Financial Decision
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    Due to financial considerations, [Resident’s Name] will be leaving the facility by [Date]. We are thankful for the care provided during these times.
    [Your Name]”
  11. Requesting Procedure Information
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    [Resident’s Name] plans to leave by [Date]. Could you please guide us on the move-out procedures? We’ve cherished our time here.
    [Your Name]”
  12. Temporary Residency Completion
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    As planned, [Resident’s Name]’s temporary stay will conclude on [Date]. We’re grateful for your hospitality.
    Best wishes,
    [Your Name]”
  13. Notice with Forwarding Address
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    [Resident’s Name] will be moving out by [Date]. Please forward any correspondence to [New Address]. Your support has been monumental.
    Thank you,
    [Your Name]”
  14. Personal Touch
    “To the wonderful staff at [Facility Name],
    [Resident’s Name] will be leaving by [Date]. We’ll always remember the little joys and the daily laughter.
    With warmth,
    [Your Name]”
  15. Brief Explanation
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    For personal reasons, [Resident’s Name] will be vacating by [Date]. We’ll always be grateful for the love and care shown.
    [Your Name]”
  16. New Care Arrangement
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    We’ve made a new care arrangement for [Resident’s Name], and thus, we’ll be leaving by [Date]. Your assistance during this transition phase has been invaluable.
    [Your Name]”
  17. End of Contract
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    As per our contract’s terms, [Resident’s Name]’s stay will conclude on [Date]. Your professionalism and dedication have not gone unnoticed.
    [Your Name]”
  18. Peaceful Transition
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    As [Resident’s Name] transitions to the next phase of his life, we notify you of his departure on [Date]. Your facility has been a place of peace and healing.
    [Your Name]”
  19. Simple and Respectful
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    We wish to inform you that [Resident’s Name] will be leaving on [Date]. Your kindness and respect have touched our hearts.
    Warm regards,
    [Your Name]”
  20. Looking Forward
    “Dear [Facility Name],
    As [Resident’s Name] prepares for the next chapter in his journey, we notify you of his departure by [Date]. Here’s to new beginnings and cherishing the past.
    Best wishes,
    [Your Name]”


Writing an assisted living 30-day notice letter may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and examples, it becomes a manageable task.

Always ensure your message is clear, respectful, and conveys all necessary information. Here’s to smooth transitions and new beginnings!

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